Writer’s Block: Using Templates to Help Your Child Thrive!

Writer’s Block: Using Templates to Help Your Child Thrive!, image of student writing.

Struggling with writer’s block seems to be a near universal experience, even for people who enjoy writing. When helping students who are struggling to get their thoughts on the page, I have struggled with the level of support I should provide; should I rephrase what they said to me aloud while they write it down […]

Executive Functioning Skills by Age: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Executive Functioning Skills by Age: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents, image of mom with two young kids building blocks

Welcome to Part 3 of our Executive Function blog series. In this installment, we address a key question many parents have: “When does executive function develop?” We take a closer look at how Executive Functioning skills unfold from infancy through young adulthood, providing a timeline and understanding of this crucial development at each age stage. […]

Navigating Day-to-Day: How Executive Function Influences Every Choice

Navigating Day-to-Day: How Executive Function Influences Every Choice, image of kids playing with color balls standing next to a wall.

Executive functioning skills are often developed through age and maturity, good teaching, and trial and error. For children with learning disabilities or attention deficits, explicit instruction and extra support is often required to develop the executive functioning skills that are lacking. A student with executive function difficulties may face challenges throughout their day. In the […]

Executive Function: The Silent Force Behind Every Child’s Development

Executive Function: The Silent Force Behind Every Child's Development, image of a child thinking, wall of blank post-it notes.

Executive Function (EF) is a fundamental component of young minds, guiding their ability to plan, organize, and regulate emotions. As these skills are still developing in children, many often grapple with recognizing and articulating their EF-related challenges. It’s crucial for caregivers and educators to understand and assist in identifying these needs to support optimal growth […]

What Parents Need to Know About Dyslexia and How It Is Assessed in Today’s Schools

What Parents Need to Know About Dyslexia and How It Is Assessed in Today’s Schools, image of a young girl studying

This is a guest blog post contributed by local San Diego licensed educational psychologist, Meredith Gleason. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Dyslexia, which is a language-based disorder that primarily impacts reading, accounts for 70 to 80% of learning disabilities. It is defined by the International Dyslexia Association as “a specific learning disability that is neurological […]

12 Ways to Stay Healthy for Online Students

12 Ways to Stay Healthy for Online Students, image of young kids at a table painting

Parents and students alike have shared one tremendous lifestyle change since the start of the covid-19 pandemic: more screen time. We use our screens to shop, communicate with friends and family, and for kids now more than ever before, for school. While some students may have taken an online course or two before the pandemic […]

Summer Activities for Kids with ADHD

Summer Activities for Kids with ADHD, image of a kid drawing

The Covid-19 summer is getting most of us down, at least some of the time. We can’t do our regular outings, gatherings with friends and family, and summer travel like we’re used to doing. For kids on summer break, just hanging out at home quickly turns into boredom. For children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder […]

Set Your Child Up for Success on the ISEE Exam

Set Your Child Up for Success on the ISEE Exam, image of a young girl studying in front of a chalkboard

As a parent, we know it’s important to you to make the most of your child’s educational experience. There are many advantages to a private school education, including smaller class sizes for more individual attention and more freedom to personalize curriculum to meet students’ needs. Now with public schools scrambling to figure out what the […]

How Distance Learning is Affecting Special Education

How Distance Learning is Affecting Special Education, image of a young kid holding their hand up during a class webinar

8 weeks ago, I received a frantic phone call from representatives at a local school district. They informed me that the school district would be closing its doors and sending all staff and students home, effective immediately. The district team asked me to work with them to move dates on some cases that were currently […]


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