Arielle has worked as a Private Tutor, Teacher’s Aid, and in childcare for a combined 15 years. She believes learning is an individual experience that can be enjoyable for every student when given appropriate tools and support. Arielle has seen first-hand the pride students display when they master new skills and enhance their natural abilities. She values positive communication, consistent encouragement, and active listening as essential elements of effective instruction, and endeavors to integrate these qualities into her teaching approach.

Free Online Event: Tuesday, October 15

Supporting Every Student: College Admissions and Learning Disabilities

Join Kayla Flores, LJL’s Executive Director, in welcoming Gina Gerrato-Greenhaus, who is an independent educational consultant and the Owner/Founder of Greenhaus College Consulting.

Gina will answer top questions that parents have about their children and college admissions, especially when a learning disability is present.