Success Stories

Charlie Campbell

Educational Therapy

  • 6th Grade, Muirlands Middle School

  • Inventor, Mechanic, and Robotics Champion

“For the past four years, LearningWorks has provided weekly academic support for our dyslexic son, including evaluation, setting goals, creating a customized plan, monitoring progress, and reading support as well as general homework help. He knows how much he’s improved with support outside of school, and he looks forward to working with his tutor.”

Lake Jones

Educational Therapy

  • La Jolla LearningWorks Student, 2010-14

  • La Jolla High School Graduate, 2014

  • Chemistry Major, UC Davis, 2014-present

“My work with an educational therapist at La Jolla LearningWorks has helped me deal with my disabilities and overcome many of the difficulties they cause. I learned to manage my time better, organize my thoughts and ideas for essays more efficiently, and complete my schoolwork in a timely fashion. Now I’m at UC Davis, and while many of my peers are trying to learn these skills, I am ahead of the game.”