College Prep 2023: Tips for Application Essay Success

College Prep 2023: Tips for Application Essay Success, image of two teens writing their college essays

Writing college application essays can be an intimidating task for many rising high school seniors. On top of the anxiety about getting into the schools of their choice, application essays require an approach to writing that is a complete 180 from the academic essays students are typically asked to write throughout high school. In contrast […]

Morphology: Using Word Parts to Help Strengthen Reading Skills

Morphology: Using Word Parts to Help Strengthen Reading Skills, image of letters saying LEARN

There are many approaches to helping students strengthen their ability to sound out words and read fluently, a skill which is also called decoding.. Most reading programs designed to support students in decoding are called structured literacy (this is a topic we like to talk about OFTEN as it is one of our biggest passions […]

Bionic Reading:
A New Reading Strategy for Students with ADD/ADHD

ADD/ADHD, Reading Strategy for Students with ADD/ADHD, image of a kid reading a book on a bed

Does your child tend to feel overwhelmed when reading and struggle to focus? Even as adults, focusing while reading can be difficult.. If we feel unfocused, reading a paragraph can be exhausting, and information is less likely to soak in. For those with ADD or ADHD, this can be even more so true.  There is […]

What Parents Need to Know About Dyslexia and How It Is Assessed in Today’s Schools

What Parents Need to Know About Dyslexia and How It Is Assessed in Today’s Schools, image of a young girl studying

This is a guest blog post contributed by local San Diego licensed educational psychologist, Meredith Gleason. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Dyslexia, which is a language-based disorder that primarily impacts reading, accounts for 70 to 80% of learning disabilities. It is defined by the International Dyslexia Association as “a specific learning disability that is neurological […]

12 Ways to Stay Healthy for Online Students

12 Ways to Stay Healthy for Online Students, image of young kids at a table painting

Parents and students alike have shared one tremendous lifestyle change since the start of the covid-19 pandemic: more screen time. We use our screens to shop, communicate with friends and family, and for kids now more than ever before, for school. While some students may have taken an online course or two before the pandemic […]

Summer Activities for Kids with ADHD

Summer Activities for Kids with ADHD, image of a kid drawing

The Covid-19 summer is getting most of us down, at least some of the time. We can’t do our regular outings, gatherings with friends and family, and summer travel like we’re used to doing. For kids on summer break, just hanging out at home quickly turns into boredom. For children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder […]

Set Your Child Up for Success on the ISEE Exam

Set Your Child Up for Success on the ISEE Exam, image of a young girl studying in front of a chalkboard

As a parent, we know it’s important to you to make the most of your child’s educational experience. There are many advantages to a private school education, including smaller class sizes for more individual attention and more freedom to personalize curriculum to meet students’ needs. Now with public schools scrambling to figure out what the […]

How Distance Learning is Affecting Special Education

How Distance Learning is Affecting Special Education, image of a young kid holding their hand up during a class webinar

8 weeks ago, I received a frantic phone call from representatives at a local school district. They informed me that the school district would be closing its doors and sending all staff and students home, effective immediately. The district team asked me to work with them to move dates on some cases that were currently […]