How to Support Your Teen with Learning Differences in the College Admissions Process

How to Support Your Teen with Learning Differences in the College Admissions Process

By: Gina Gerrato Greenhaus, M.A.Educational Consultant (College Admissions Expert) The college process can be stressful enough, but when a student has a learning issue and has struggled academically, a parent’s anxiety will be increased. Most parents admit to feeling lost about how to prepare their teenagers for college. Students will pick up on the parents’ […]

Free Online Event: Tuesday, October 15

Supporting Every Student: College Admissions and Learning Disabilities

Join Kayla Flores, LJL’s Executive Director, in welcoming Gina Gerrato-Greenhaus, who is an independent educational consultant and the Owner/Founder of Greenhaus College Consulting.

Gina will answer top questions that parents have about their children and college admissions, especially when a learning disability is present.